Tuesday 18 December 2007

Countdown to the Marathon des Sables 2010 Part 1

I recently decided, that I would participate in the 2010 Marathon des Sables in south-eastern Morocco. This is purported to be the most gruelling foot race in the world. I decided to start this blog now (17th December 2007), and add to it as March 2010 approaches.

Of course, the big factor is, if I can secure a place in the race - only a certain number of places are available, and there are a few agents around the world who deal with the various countries' applications. Living in Switzerland, my application will be made through the German agent, and registration for 2010 is only from October 2009 (in comparison, the British agents have already sold out places for the 2010 race for the countries under their jurisdiction!!!!!). However, I'm going to presume that I will be fortunate, and keep this blog going.

For non-runners: it might be boring at times, when I add training info, and the like; it may even be very boring, anyway. However, you are not compelled to read it.

For the running fraternity: I'd love to get to know more of you, as I feel sort of alone, here in the Alps of south-eastern Switzerland. Please do comment on any blog entries I make, particularly if you see me making mistakes in my training, thoughts on the MdS (Marathon des Sables), etc.

Some of you have already asked why I don't apply for the 2009 MdS - well, I only started running seriously in the second half of this year (2007), and I have yet to do my first full marathon (that comes on 20th April 2008 in Zürich); bearing in mind that I am 51 years of age, I have a lot of training to do, and need to learn a lot, too. So, 2010 is a better plan for me, even though I will then be approaching the veritable age of 54.

In June 2009, I am hoping to do the Comrades Marathon in my former homeland of South Africa, from Pietermaritzburg to my hometown of Durban on the coast. It's a famous 89,3-km race, and something I just HAVE to do - like the MdS, one of those things to do before dying!!!!

I never thought I'd get into long-distance running, but, now that I have, I cannot get enough of it. Unfortunately, being an impatient relative newcomer to the sport, I tend to over-do things, and end up with injuries, one of which I am suffering with now (although I did run a race in Zürich yesterday, despite the pain) - a pain, deep in the top of my right leg (I suspect a stress fracture (PLEASE, let me be wrong), but an MRI scan scheduled for 27th December will, hopefully, reveal what the problem really is). Until then, I run!!!!!! - and take Aspirin to kill the pain.

Well, that's the end of my first blog entry for this future event. Once the blog lengthens, I'd appreciate any comments, criticisms, corrections, etc. More soon.

1 comment:

Livet enligt Jenny said...

I´m jealous! I have had a dream of running a marathon in the sahara desert several times, but everybody has told me there is no such race. And then I found it in Runners World this month.. I have decided to try and make it for 2011 but my husband thinks its to close since I have never run more than 12 km as the furthest. I will watch youre blog closly and peptalk youre way through it. Big good luck! Jenny in Sweden